Sunday, December 7, 2008

Scary Story

It was a cold and dreary day (that is how scary stories start right?) oh I know it is colder where some of you are, but it is dreary here! We all have snot, I am trying not to get a sinus infection and thought I would take a nap. After tossing and turning and several interuptions from my lovely children I came back down and it looks like a tornado came through the house. You would think that the hard work they put in yesterday (yes, they actually helped for a change) they would not want to make a mess, but... On another note, I am sad and happy, I think. I was released from Young Women's and called as Enrichment Leader.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I feel your happy/sad pain... I was released from YW today, too! I hope they'll still let me go to Girls Camp, though...

rich and steph said...

I did not know you were released-that is what happens when you get to church late!! Hope you start feeling better soon:)

dede said...

Enrichment is awesome - you will be great!!

Billie said...

I loved the scary story!
Is it a trend to be released from YW? I have been in for over 4 years now... If I got released it would be a bitter sweet. But you have a cool new calling and very appropriate for you!